Biography: Anna Maria Bordas, Miquel Peiro
They have recently won the Metro station at Clichy Montfermeil for Société du Grand Paris in association with EMBT, and have just delivered the first phase of a Farmhouse rehabilitation. They have been invited to give conferences about their practice and methods within different cities. Anna Maria Bordas was awarded prix AJAC 2012 by the Architects order of Barcelona and honorary mention to EFCA European Prize in 2013. She is part of the AMO Prize Quality working spaces Jury for the 2014 edition and innovation prize Besnard de Quelen. Miquel Peiro won the EFCA prize in 2012.
For this project, the main problem - the big level difference into higher part and lower part of the project, plus extraordinary slope in arrival zone - is turned into its best asset. The project is conceived around visual sequences “remote / close / remote” enhancing main attractive points around the site which cannot be seen from the site today: the forest, the former barn and the Geneva Lake. This initial premise infuses most choices: plan disposition, aerial public square and monumental stairs coupled with secondary footbridges crossing through the trees.
Facing nature, every single element of the footbridge is conceived in order to project the user to the end of the crossing, by creating an acceleration of perspective through waving parapets and linear street furniture, lightning and planted areas. Once the user has crossed the highway, he enters the natural ambiance of the landscaped campus by passing through the grove existing on the landing site, and perceives at first the former barn, and by turning the Leman Lake. The public square is raised to footbridge level in order to take advantage of Geneva Lake view and sun which is hidden by Anthropole building at soil level. The whole structure is conceived in harmony with the forest ambiance, by choosing corten steel material, a very slender profile using parapets as structure following bending lines and tree-form piles. This project has been awarded 2n prize in an open international competition. The jury quoted “ the project is elegant, offering good technical solutions. Its is also clearly packed with good ideas, for example concerning the light or the reinforcement of landscape qualities, proposing a pleasand stroll and sitting areas”.
Gem, if it helps you for this last bit, En français, le jury avait écrit:
« le projet est élégant, bien travaillé sur le plan technique, il est aussi truffé de bonnes idées, par exemple pour la lumière ou pour renforcer ses qualités paysagères, offrir une balade agréable aux usagers, offrir des éléments de repos. «