Brice Chapon - Emeric Lambert - PARC ARCHITECTES
Brice CHAPON — Architect, Principal
Born in 1978
Architect and Urban planer (Diploma of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland)
Certification in Environmental Building Quality (QEB)
Emeric LAMBERT — Architect, Principal
Born in 1976
Engineer (Diploma of INSA in Lyon, France)
Architect and Urban planer (Diploma of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland)
Doctor in City Sciences (PhD at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland)
Brice Chapon & Emeric Lambert met while studying architecture in Switzerland, where they acquired the taste for construction, detail and implementation. Back in France, and after working several years with Nicolas Michelin for Brice and Christian Hauvette for Emeric, they founded PARC Architectes in Paris in 2009.
The founders of PARC Architectes believe the specificity of their profession is to deal with a “heterogeneous context", that is why they cultivate openness to other fields such as engineering, geography or contemporary art. Emeric Lambert explored social sciences with his PhD research on the suburban environment while Brice Chapon trained on environmental and sustainable architectural design. Their approach aims to integrate the different stakeholders and areas of expertise throughout the project.
PARC Architectes create buildings that unite science and art. They design them as devices best suited to their uses in terms of construction and climate. Their architecture combine structures, climates and activities. The structure settles in the environment, generating a climate and allowing a specific program to develop into the building. Sustainable architecture is not only a matter of ecological techniques or political discourses, it is the resurgence of climatic sensitive events in architectural spaces such as drafts, sounds, shadows, steams or vibrations.
In 2012, PARC Architectes is awarded the AJAP « Young Architecture Prize » by the French Minister of Culture and Communication. The office counts an average of 8 collaborators, it has participated to several international competitions in Europe and is currently working on different projects of urban planning, public buildings, dwellings and offices in France.
They delivered their first public building in 2013 : an auditorium and chorale-singing school for the French National Radio situated in the outskirts of Paris (Bondy). The building has already been widely published in France and Europe.
They also were invited by Dutch foundation Global Art Affairs to participate to a collective exhibition and present their prospective research “The Realm of the Suburban, The experimental territory of the XXth century” as part as the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale.
PARC Architectes is also involved in education. Emeric Lambert teaches at the School of Architecture in Versailles, and Brice Chapon gives classes at the School of Architecture of Paris Val-de-Seine.
Project: Private competition for the A9b plot in ZAC Austerlitz, Paris Rive Gauche
Program: Office floors, inter-company restaurant, shops
Client: Kaufman & Broad
Architects: PARC Architectes + CALQ Architecture
Status: Competition (2012), ranked second
The entire building is an inhabited climatic structure situated on a slab covering railways in Paris. Besides its structural role, the facade guarantees indoor comfort. The different thickness and materiality of each facade integrate sun-breakers that prevent occupants from direct sunlight (for west and south orientations) or brighten the working spaces (for east and north orientation).