Paris New-York restaurant - France
CUT Architectures
Our practice as a 4 hands design studio started in 2005 and we founded our company CUT architectures in 2008.
CUT, 3 letters standing for our aim to contrast deeply with the conformist Parisian Architectural practice and the expected positions and trends.
Breaking the boundaries between architecture, urbanism, interior design & art we are taking the inherent qualities of every of these fields in order to initiate inspiring hybrid projects.
We don’t make hierarchical distinctions between an art installation, a piece of furniture, a shop, a flat, a set design, a house or a building and put the same effort with the same process: we first search for the optimal plan layout and the most effective section and we then implement the material which is the key to a project for us. Through material we create, reinterpret, divert, innovate.
Stainless steel, expanded metal or wood take part of the esthetic aspect of a building as much as they are important for their inherent properties.
This close relation to the material, the building elements and building processes are the guaranty of our knowledge of construction costs and the keeping of a budget.
We have a strong knowledge in project management from our former professional careers which we used and developed for our own practice. We are working on projects for municipalities and public housing developers.
Earlier this year we designed and followed the construction of the Café Coutume Aoyama in Tokyo (we are working on two new concepts for Osaka and Tokyo) and we are currently developing offices for the Galeries Lafayette Group in Paris.
Paris New York restaurant
Paris New-York restaurant is the latest joint of the flourishing hamburger restaurant scene in Paris. The meat and the ingredients are carefully selected to offer high quality burgers. PNY design is a blend of NYC and Paris cultures and spirits yet trying to avoid clichés. The black ceiling is pierced by a grid of light bulbs reminding the Broadway cinemas & theatres fronts echoing the black and white cement tiles floor iconic of the Parisian hallways. Mirrors are diffracting the light bulbs on the ground floor and reflecting the bare walls on the first floor. Referring to the Eiffel structures and the copper-clad Statue of Liberty, the steel structure of the bar and staircase is covered with raw aluminum boards attached with the round head rivets used on the Airstream caravans. The steel structure is revealed inside the staircase.