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Andrea Guazzieri - Italy
Andrea Guazzieri - Italy

Andrea was born in Venice, Italy, in 1984. Passionate about scientific and artistic fields, he began his studies architecture at the IUAV University of Venice in 2004, where he obtained his degree in architecture in 2007.

Marked by experiences abroad, including an Erasmus exchange at the School of Architecture of Paris La Villette, he decided to pursue his master's degree in the Netherlands, at the TuDelft, where he obtained his architect degree in 2010.

After graduation, he worked for several offices in Italy, Netherlands and France, including Mecanoo in Delft and LAN in Paris. During these experiences as lead architect, he took part in projects of different scales and degrees of complexity.

In 2015, after winning the competition for the construction of the new Science Museum of Naples, he founded GFC, an experimental office of architecture based in Naples and Paris, together with Raul Forsoni and Valerio Ciotola.

Project 1 | Project 2 | Project 3

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