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GianLuca Gaudenzi - France
GianLuca Gaudenzi - France

Born in Montegranaro in the central part of Italy in 1978, Gianluca studied first architecture in the Facoltà di Architettura all'Università di Firenze

In 2003 he came working at Tectone in Paris while achieving his Diploma at the École d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires of Marne la Vallée.

From 2006 to 2011 he worked for different Parisian agencies such as TVK or TOA.

In 2011, he founded NZI ARCHITECTS with Sandra de Giorgio.

Their association is based on a project approach by creative and participatory experimentation.

Their career, complementary and enriched by their diversity of experiences, relies on a wide variety of programs in the projects they design.

Attentive on the potential of the site, they look for the right materials and technologies in order to respond to their transparency and fluidity aspirations.

They develop projects with the desire to create a simple, sustainable architecture, energy efficient and cleverly integrated into context.

Project 1 Project 2 | Project 3

The Chicago Athenaeum | 601 South Prospect Street
Galena, Illinois 61036, USA | Tel: 815/777-4444 | Fax: 815/777-2471