The Chicago Athenaeum BACK TO HOMEPAGE >
Good Design
* worker 2017-2020
* worker 2017-2020

Designers: Peter Gronych and Yvonne Dollega, Gronych + Dollega Architekten, Hessen, Germany
Manufacturer: Gronych + Dollega Architekten, Wetzlar, Germany

The table consists of only two elements: a folded wooden plate and metal Y-supports. The large round foot + top plates absorb the torques of the table. The Y-supports reduce the span of the tab­ le top. Due to its plastic design, the table defines the surrounding space and facilitates communi­ cation. Each angle of vision creates new charac­ teristic features and arouse emotions. Material are used according to their intrinsic values: wood for the perception as an ample folded table top and metal for an effective and minimalistic Y-support for load transfer.



Good Design
The Chicago Athenaeum | 601 South Prospect Street
Galena, Illinois 61036, USA | Tel: 815/777-4444 | Fax: 815/777-2471