Designer: Lorenzo Palmeri, Lorenzo Palmeri Studio, Milan, (MI), Italy
Manufacturer: Franco Zavarise, Cornuda (TV), Italy
Circle is a lamp generated by a simple gesture such as folding applied to the primordial shape of the circle. A single, small movement generates an effective diffusion of light and surprising reverberations. Circle, in its apparent simplicity, lends itself to multiple possible variant applications: with folding up or down. With the light source positioned below, above or on both sides.
The Circle lamp is get closer to primitive forms and comes from a deep research on symbols and archetypes. Those geometric bases that appear in every culture, from rock drawings to sacred geometry, with similar meanings, are to be said universal, despite cultural and geographical distances.
Is also extremely interesting that in the development of children shapes such as the circle, the square, the triangle, the spiral, appear spontaneously in specific stages of growth and learning. As if they were part of a basic baggage, already in the hardware rather than assimilated through education or a cultural flow.
Circle lamp comes from the necessity to work with simple shape and gesture, in the possible depths of the circle and the act of folding: in turn primitive and simple.