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Good Design
Contend Urinary Leakage Device for Men | 2021-2022
Contend Urinary Leakage Device for Men | 2021-2022

Designers: Kristoffer Zeuthen, Coloplast Design Team, Coloplast A/S.,
Humlebaek, Denmark
Manufacturer: Coloplast A/S., Humlebaek, Denmark

Every day, 100-150 million men worldwide experience urinary leakage. Yet not one product has ever been exclusively designed for them. Until now.
Contend™ targets mild to moderate incontinence, which is a broad term describing a variety of conditions; from experiencing ‘after drip’ after urinating, to stress incontinence when lifting or laughing, or not making it to the bathroom in time.

While some men are in touch with healthcare professionals and are given advice and offered training, many suffer in silence. The problem of urinary incontinence is even more stigmatized than erectile dysfunction, and a lot of men haven’t seen their doctor about it. Some of the men the designers met, hadn’t even told their wives.

At Coloplast the designers dedicated the last four years to developing Contend™, a protective cover designed to fit the male anatomy. They set out to reinvent the category, starting from scratch. They listened and they learned, spending countless hours developing every little detail of this innovative technology - all to ensure that men suffering from urinary leakage no longer need to compromise on comfort, security, or discretion.

And even more importantly, they don’t have to compromise on the life they want to live. Men suffering from urinary leakage have had to choose between discretion and security. The stigma surrounding urinary leakage drives men to shop for products in their local supermarket, leaving them with a choice of two types of products: Pads and diapers.

Thus, they are left with the choice between discretion and security. Their actual choice depends on personal preference but is not one that anyone should have to make. Contend™ eliminates the need to choose: the absorption capacity of 125 ml is more than most need, most of the time, but enough for emergencies when one is stuck in traffic or doesn’t have a chance to change the product. If the absorber is oversaturated, the leakproof pocket ensures both liquid and odor are contained.

Contend Urinary Leakage Device for Men | 2021-2022
Contend Urinary Leakage Device for Men | 2021-2022

Good Design
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