Designers: PDR, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Manufacturer: Nyfasi, Port Talbot, United Kingdom
The Black and Afro Hair community makes up a significant part of the UK and EU population yet has few products designed for the particular requirements of this segment and is largely ignored by the large beauty brands.
Detangling and conditioning natural hair can be an uncomfortable and time-consuming process. Stories abound from users of expensive, lengthy, and difficult detangling rituals and in long and difficult hair care routines with children and siblings.
Numerous examples exist of individual adaptations and modifications to existing products in an attempt to ease the process with no dedicated designs in this area. Nyfasi is a deluxe detangling comb that has been extensively designed and tested by the users themselves for people with Black and Afro hair to celebrate and support natural healthy hair.
It has a patented mechanism that coats a user’s natural hair with conditioner whilst the wide-tooth comb detangles. Nyfasi is the first detangling comb specific to the needs of the Black and Afro Hair community. The form has been derived from extensive user testing with real users leading to its ergonomic, secure, and easy to hold and use in wet conditions.
Designed for high-volume production and high-street retail at a low price point the product is easy to clean and resistant to detergents. The unit is filled directly with conditioner which applies directly to the hair during combing. Nyfasi has been proven to work effectively with extensive user testing applying the hair product and detangling hair quickly and easily across a broad Black and Afro Hair user group.
Its integrated approach, ergonomic design, and practical versatility in both wet and dry conditions have been warmly received by users. Whilst form is driven strongly by function and ergonomics the design is deliberately positioned away from traditional beauty brands who have long ignored this sector.
Designed for long-term use the application of conditioner at the point of detangling has been shown to cut detergent use by as much as 70%.