Designers: Kim Yokota, Gary Oakley, Bob Capling, Lou Peluso, and Mark Willard, SLD, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Client: PepsiCo Foods Canada, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
SLD was asked to help PepsiCo Food & Beverages Canada develop a package design for a new line of gourmet potato chips for the Ms. Vickie’s brand. Ms. Vickie’s is already a very successful brand, and PepsiCo wanted to build on the brand value but clearly differentiate the product. The Ms. Vickie’s Signatures line needed to feel clearly premium, leverage key assets from the master brand to build credibility and establish a clear brand identity that could be used for future line extensions. The client had already indicated an interest in using a black package, so using a dark backdrop we developed an “approachable gourmet” style of photography that is quite different from anything other potato chip brands are doing. The photography features ingredients and unusual cooking utensils in full color, displayed in a way you might see on a foodie Instagram feed. The color palette, black, smoky grey and gold, is a complete departure from the traditional Ms. Vickie’s line, but the brand logo is the identical and clearly visible on the package. We also merchandized the product in its own display rather than on the shelf, disrupting the aisle with a strong visual and the recognizable name. The first three flavors were only very recently launched in the market and have been performing exceptionally well – so much so that the new line has been made permanent.
CHALLENGE PepsiCo wanted to explore new territory for the Miss Vickie’s brand through limited time offers, with the goal of finding a premium offering that could become a regular product. 3 After an enormously successful redesign of the master brand, SLD was retained to help define the opportunity and create unique, disruptive package design and merchandising that would promote the new offerings.