Designers: Held+Team, Hamburg, Germany
Manufacturer: Bruker Biospin GmbH., Ettlingen, Germany
The Fourier is an 80 MHz high-performance nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) benchtop spectrometer designed for the daily routine in the laboratory working environment.
With a cryogen-free magnet design, the Fourier makes NMR accessible for any lab due to his compact size and easy to use features. It can be installed in the fume hood or on the bench without the need for new infrastructure, also providing easy maintenance. The extraordinary performance in benchtop size, combined with the intuitive touch-based software, leads to a new category of lab devices that delivers analytical results on a level only NMR can provide.
The Fourier features a newly developed modern interface that guides users through pre-defined, dedicated workflows. Novice NMR users can use pre-defined data acquisition in the software, or customize them, while experienced users can use Bruker's high-level industry-standard software for fine adjustable acquisition parameters.
The Fourier has been designed for highest data quality and stability.
The main features are: very compact and powerful benchtop NMR device, simple sample loading, and intuitive user interface.
The design follows the Corporate Product Design guidelines, which are mandatory for all Bruker products.