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Good Design
Derrick Automatic 2017-2019
Derrick Automatic 2017-2019

Designers: Jean-Marie Schaller, Les Ateliers Louis Moinet, Saint-Blaise, Switzerland
Manufacturer: Les Ateliers Louis Moinet, Saint-Blaise, Switzerland


In 2013, Ateliers Louis Moinet presented a brand new watchmaking concept: the Derrick Tourbillon. This unprecedented timepiece combined all the fascination of an animated derrick with the regular beat of the tourbillon. Its fame has spread worldwide – and of course had its fair share of imitations.

Based in Saint-Blaise, Switzerland, Louis Moinet may not be one of the most widely-known names in watchmaking, but is undoubtedly recognised as a leader in innovation. And today, the firm is delighted to be able to present a modern, minimalist version of its pioneering DERRICK concept.


The highly creative oil pumping system adorns the front of the watch. Its uniqueness resides in the essentialist ethos of the depiction. Only the traditional, distinctive components of the derrick are shown – the main shaft and horse head, the drive shaft, and its counterweight. The result is a powerful, minimalist display, with a cycle that repeats three times a minute. Pulling off this technical feat required the use of an extremely lightweight, avant-garde material: the automaton has been made entirely out of brushed aluminium. It is powered by the watchmaking mechanism itself, which thus acts as the driving force for the entire assembly. Two wheels can be seen behind the derrick; the one located at six o’clock is used to display the seconds, on a dedicated segment.



Good Design
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