Designers: Y-Team, C3 Creativ Code and Content GmbH., Berlin, Germany
Manufacturer: Redaktion der Bundeswehr, Berlin, Germany
Y – the Bundeswehr magazine, is the leading publication for the internal communication of the German Federal Armed Forces. The magazine focuses on military topics, informing all employees of the German Bundeswehr on matters concerning the German troops, and on political education. It is intended for young soldiers aged between 18 and 35 years, their friends, families and other interested groups, like government employees.Since the relaunch in January 2019 the magazine has become even bolder and more focused on military subjects. To reach our young readers, our infographics even went digital.
The “Typendatenblatt”, a kind of technical data sheet, is a very popular category. Military machines, classics as well as new editions to the Bundeswehr fleet, are shown and explained in detail, catering to our technophile audience. In our relaunched magazine, the new Typendatenblatt does more: By scanning the page with their mobile phones, readers now can access an augmented reality (AR) application via Facebook. This app shows the machines in action. It also lets the user steer and operate heavy machinery in a virtual setup, like a video game. The data sheet is stylistically illustrative, without being inaccurate in content. The infographic has a “hand-made” look, similar to a design drawing, and supports the design language of the book in reduced color. Within the AR application, the look is geared to computer games – it was important to generate an interactive 3D experience and bring all the necessary information about the vehicle to life at the same time. This element of gamification adds fun and entertainment to the magazine, plus it allows us to pack even more exciting information into the graphics. Fascinating infographics can now not only be watched but experienced!