Designers: Lorenzo De Bartolomeis, Gabriele Diamanti, Filippo Poli, Milan (MI), Italy
Manufacturer: Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and Inail, Genova (GE), Italy
Materials: ERGAL 7075-T6, AISI9840, 3D printed Ultem, carbon fiber, coupled textile.
Dimensions: 1193x508x400 mm
Weight: 20kg
Patent: Motor driven joint with quick release system for both mechanical and electrical connection
Twin exoskeleton is a wearable robotic device born from the collaboration between the INAIL Prosthesis Center of Budrio and the Italian Institute of Technology of Genoa. It allows people who have lost the mobility of the lower limbs to walk.
Typical applications are complete and chronic spinal injuries; partial injuries due to trauma or neurological problems (such as stroke).
The technology inside Twin is able to quantify the progress of rehabilitation and to define the level of assistance in each moment.
Twin is designed as a modular platform both from a mechanical and from a UI point of view. This feature makes it easily customizable, according to the type of patient and the rehabilitation path.
The modularity makes the dressing process simple and autonomous, also allowing the transport of the whole exoskeleton inside a normal travel trolley.
Each leg is easy to disassemble into two main parts by means of a quick release system that is unlocked by pulling a fabric strap.
The press-fit action is simple and immediate, allowing for dressing in minutes. Together with the other fabric components, the strap is an aesthetic detail that helps to convey a language closer to the human and his gestures, bringing the perception of the exoskeleton closer to the world of sports equipment rather than the world of medical robotics.
The soft braces are made of technical materials derived from motorcycle clothing, coupled with an aesthetic denim that facilitates a better integration with the daily clothes chosen by the patient, thus improving the feeling of harmony with the human body and habits.
The pelvis brace, by means of a quick release system, allows a personalized adjustment of the trunk support area. The pelvis of the exoskeleton is a carbon fiber monocoque and it contains the intelligent heart of the system with the interchangeable battery pack.
The Twin exoskeleton is height-adjustable, and it can support users up to 110kg in weight, allowing continuous walking with up to 4 hours of autonomy.
At the root of this project there has been a shared design process that involved a multidisciplinary team of patients, clinicians, researchers, and designers in all phases of the development. This also allowed it to carry on the clinical trials and the technology transfer.