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Asunción, 2019 - Konstantino Tousidonis

Asunción, 2019 - Konstantino Tousidonis | Seville, Spain

Architects: Konstantino Tousidonis Rial, Fernando Mena Álvarez / TOUSIDONIS ANISI

Client: Lasgaci SL
Project team: Antonio Mena Anisi, José Enrique López Letamendía, Corumbel, Calconsa
Photographer: Javier Orive

The intervention is located in one of the expansions of the historic urban centre of the city of Seville, which began in the first third of the previous century and consolidated throughout it, becoming one of the residential neighborhoods par excellence, where a return of young families is currently taking place. 

The entire property belongs to the same owner aimed at the rental market, the project consisting of the complete rehabilitation of one of the apartments and in the creation of two new ones by a one-story upward extension. 

The extension is materialized with the typology of penthouses with generous terraces to the street without exhausting the development potential allowed by the planning and without altering the original façade of the building. 

Following the same aesthetic line in all, priority has been given to achieving open plan and neutral spaces, capable of housing any furnishings of future tenants.

Konstantino Tousidonis
Konstantino Tousidonis
Konstantino Tousidonis

The Chicago Athenaeum | 601 South Prospect Street
Galena, Illinois 61036, USA | Tel: 815/777-4444 | Fax: 815/777-2471