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Le Clos | 2023, Maxime Bergeret, France

Le Clos | 2023, Maxime Bergeret, France

Bancaù Architectes
Lead Architect: Marion Sebbane
Associate Architects: Maxime Bergeret & Gaël Sellier
Client: Private
Photographer: ®Bancaù Architectes Drawings ®Bancaù Architectes

« Le Clos » is enshrined to its physical and cultural surroundings. Adapting to the local climate has a strong impact on the project, looking at constant reminders of the Mediterranean region’s particularities: minerality, simplicity, patio and the right size of the openings.

Responding to a constructive logic and a strong notion of sustainability, the choice of a local massive stone structure to express the significant minerality in the project appeared evident.

The initial shape of the project results from a set of simple and monolithic volumes emerging from the ground. Each block responds to a residential use by its height and its place in the system. These distinct entities generate a central patio where all the daily practices are articulated, as the heart of the project.

The landscape appears in a various amount of framing. In contrast to the overexposed exterior, the atmosphere of the living spaces needs to be subdued.

Maxime Bergeret

Maxime Bergeret
Maxime Bergeret

The Chicago Athenaeum | 601 South Prospect Street
Galena, Illinois 61036, USA | Tel: 815/777-4444 | Fax: 815/777-2471